
All material featured on MEHSTG will be archived under these two headings.

HUMOROUS   A lighter look at some of football's many facets.
       White Hot Lines         
daily diary of all the events affecting and about tottenham hotspur
taking a light-hearted pop at the game and those who frequent it.
       Football Shorts
clippings, strange facts and jokes to put a smile on your face at 4.54 on any saturday afternoon
you're having a laugh !!
       The MEHSTG back pages 
all the picture fun of the rear cover from the fanzine.  
mehstg's campaign to stop the arsenal menace
       Alternative Histories  
there are pages of information, stats and facts on all the teams in the league.
how did all the clubs in the league start their lives ?  and what have they done since ??  here are our versions of the histories of them all - some fact - some fiction.   can you tell what is true and what isn't ???
       Arsenal pages  
there are pages of jokes, photos and quotes, as well as anything vaguely funny about the team from South London, who seem to be the butt of a lot of people's jokes.
       Top Half of The Table

the MEHSTG Top Tens of ... many things !!  





HEARTFELT   Serious items about all aspects of the game.
       White Hot Lines         
daily diary of all the events affecting and about tottenham hotspur
articles that look at the major issues in the game and at tottenham
       Holidays In The Sun 
where spurs stars went in the close season now and then
       Down The Lane   
a look back at the happenings in the current life and times of thfc   (Last updated 18.8.98)
       Post Box 
your chance to air your views on anything that takes your fancy
all your tastiest tit-bits of gossip and transfer tittle-tattle (2003)

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